Are we there yet? Are you outraged yet?
Does this look frightening to you? – All things Considered program 2/8/08 – regarding 8,800 federal buildings that have little to no security
Police strip search and jail a woman who called THEM for HELP video is really disturbing – and this woman didn’t resist arrest or anything, did she deserve this?
FBI had hired thugs who have carte blanche to “shoot to kill” sure you read the entire article’s chilling)
What is wrong with this picture? I fear there is more than meets the eye here, soon posts like this could bring said FBI thugs to my door because I am speaking against Our Beloved Big Brother.
And it is all for our own good, we are told. Terrorists are on the loose!
I fear for myself and my family, for our country and my countrymen & women…but not from any other terrorists than my own government.
What is this leading to? I have seen the words Martial Law on a few different occasions here, both spoken by fellow posters and in articles (see FBI article cited above)
I wonder if this is too far out for us to conceptualize, because we would like to believe that we are PROTECTED by our RIGHTS
Innocent until PROVEN Guilty
FREE Citizens in a Democracy
And at the same token, the money given to Homeland Security has not gone to protect our Government Buildings, Infrastructure, or Power-grids. Instead the Government is quietly hiring an armed “posse” to protect us from ourselves…? ( Or to protect them from us when we decide to revolt in the streets?)
I hate to be a fear monger. I hate to be so depressing and see such a crazy plot thickening like yesterdays milk…Is it possible that we may NOT get to an actual election in November? Is it possible that the war crimes committed by this administration are just the tip of the iceberg? Is it possible that the next pres we elect is nothing more than a figurehead, who will be under control of the Secret Police…? I sound like a conspiracy theorist (tin hat anyone?), and I hate the fact that the reality leaves little room for anything else. Just connecting the dots is a Conspiritors’ wet dream!
A few weeks ago I would have never dreamed that my worst nightmares of government control would be true, a week ago I watched a shaken John Edwards recite a speech that he surely did not write or believe in, and today I read the threads above, and hear news reports that bring all of these fears to bear. And there's SO much more... the economy is teetering ...Not to mention the ticking time bomb of this planet and the weather this winter that seems to prove the models are all happening faster than originally thought…
Tell me fellow Democrats, what is the answer? How do we fight back, and survive the wave that is yet to come? It is more than an election on the line…
I know that some of you will call me a fatalist, and I admit that I do have that tendency...
Just trying to get some feedback on how "We the People" plan to handle this loss of Civil Liberties. Will it happen without a fight? Obviously our Congress isn't going to protect us, what would George Washington say? Personally, I think he'd be marching on the White House himself by now!