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Reply #8: Four Loko tastes like rancid kool-aid, and hits you like a nail driver. I support the ban.... [View All]

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Rabblevox Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-25-11 10:33 PM
Response to Original message
8. Four Loko tastes like rancid kool-aid, and hits you like a nail driver. I support the ban....
The combo of high alcohol content, high sugar content, high caffeine content, plus Guarana

These boyo's retail for about $2, have the alcohol content of 4 bottles of beer, the caffeine content of 4 cups of coffee, plus Guarana and sugar.

I'm a middle-aged, experienced drinker, who checked these drinks out. I can tell you true, you have no idea how drunk you are getting on these drinks.

2 cans, and I was ready to drive a road-trip to the coast. Fortunately, I had friends around me who weren't whacked on Four-Loko. :blush:

Of course, anyone is free to mix brandy and coffee, or Red Bull and vodka, to get the same effect. But that's intentional. With four-loko, you feel like you're drinking a bad soda, and end up feeling like an extra in a Rob Zombie film.

And yes, I think these drinks should be banned.
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