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U.S. Still the Most Barbaric Industrialized Nation in World [View All]

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Modern School Donating Member (558 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-28-11 11:17 PM
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U.S. Still the Most Barbaric Industrialized Nation in World
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Pennsylvania is poised to sentence a thirteen-year old boy to life in prison for a crime he is accused of committing back when he was only 11 years old. If convicted and if he does receive this sentence, it would make him the youngest person ever to receive a life sentence in the U.S. and the youngest person serving a life sentence in the entire world.

The youth, Jordan Brown, is accused of shooting the fiancée of his father out of jealousy. She was eight and a half months pregnant. Psychiatrist Dr. John O’Brian claimed that Brown was not a good candidate for rehabilitation as he expressed no remorse nor accepted any responsibility. Consequently, the judge refused to send the case to the juvenile courts (in Pennsylvania, all murder suspects are automatically tried as adults unless the judge rules otherwise).

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