This is not a case I would choose to showcase American barbarism.
Except perhaps to point out that "No remorse. No responsibility." is a very American thing in its own right. Where the lesson is hammered home every day, that you generally get hit hardest when you voluntarily accept responsibility for your own actions.
WTF is his counsel playing at? Are we taking a whack at traumatic amnesia?
Or is his NRNR sypmtomatic of a kid so lacking in positive emotion that he would have zero believability if he attempted to feign them at this stage of the game?
Something is seriously wrong here, when after two years the kid is still showing neither regret nor responibility.
I'm sorry but some things are just too broken and too dangerous to try to fix, particularly if innocent others must necessarily be placed at risk to do so.
What do we say, in fifteen years or so, to the corpse of the baby that dared to get betweem him and his girlfriend/wife? Presuming he didn't kill her for daring to want someone else to love.
Why, when we see this (or other highly reprehensible) behaviour in adults, are we are so quick to condemn? Yet when faced with identical behaviour in a child, we almost desperately search for mittigating factors and excuses and automatically offer up redemption when it unearned (and often arguably undeserved).