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Obama’s Thugs Are Coming For Your Child [View All]

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Modern School Donating Member (558 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-18-11 06:27 PM
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Obama’s Thugs Are Coming For Your Child
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Edited on Wed May-18-11 11:02 PM by Modern School
13 year-old Vito LaPinta was interrogated at his school in Tacoma, Washington, this week by Secret Service agents who were concerned that he might be a threat to President Obama’s safety. The interrogation occurred without the knowledge or consent of his mother, who was outraged by the incident.

According to Democracy Now, the questioning occurred after he wrote a Facebook message expressing his concern that terrorists might target Obama because of the assassination of Bin Laden. KFSN-TV, in Fresno, quoted the boy: "I was saying how Osama is dead and for Obama to be careful because there might be suicide bombers."

KFSN reported that Tacoma schools called Vito's mom but didn't wait for her to arrive because they felt that she didn't take the phone call seriously. The mother, Timi Robertson, denies the school’s allegations and claims she rushed to school as quickly as she could.

You can see the rest of the article here:

Modern School
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