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Follow-up Claims and Denial Management [View All]

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seemunkee Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-09-07 09:51 AM
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Follow-up Claims and Denial Management
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As part of my job I search through the posting in FedBizOpps. Every once in a while something catches my eye that seems a bit odd. Today I spotted this posting:

The Veterans Affairs, Network 22 Logistics Office, is seeking sources for a potential contract to provide Accounts Receivable (A/R) Follow-up Claims Processing Services and Denial Management Software and Services, Outsourced Appeals and Conditions. The contractor will be required to provide the services for the VA Greater Los Angeles, VA Long Beach, VA San Diego, VA Southern Nevada, and VA Loma Linda Healthcare Systems.

I can understand a need for a Claims processing application but seeking a specific application for Denial Management seems wrong.
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