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Food and farms much in the news [View All]

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SpiralHawk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-23-09 10:03 AM
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Food and farms much in the news
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Edited on Mon Mar-23-09 10:04 AM by SpiralHawk
"Land and food are much in the news this season, and well they should be. The ongoing shocks and shifts in our economic foundations are jolting awake hordes of citizens to the absolute importance of the ways we care for the land and the ways we grow our food.

"Many magazines and newspapers are offering in-depth stories to inform and educate the public about a range of 21st Century agrarian issues that are coming to the forefront, and that will likely occupy the forefront in the years ahead. To support readers in becoming informed, and then taking action, I offer the following roundup of significant snippets and links:"

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