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Reply #18: I hope it is a low stress experience for you. [View All]

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handmade34 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-31-09 11:05 AM
Response to Original message
18. I hope it is a low stress experience for you.
I have killed and cleaned more animals than I wish to remember as I used to raise all my own food and I taught homesteading for a bit. (I am vegetarian now). This will be graphic!!!... and I will never kill another animal but this is how I used to:

with chickens and turkeys I found the least stressful for myself and the animal was to gently catch them and then hold them for a few minutes before I slowly turned them upside down and hung them by their feet (this has a calming effect on them). With a sharp knife, I quickly cut their neck artery and they would bleed out... no flapping, no squawking... once dead, scald them, pluck them and then gut them. If you eat meat, I applaud you for killing your own. And if you like meat, you will enjoy this meal best
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