I'm used to holding them that way for moving them and wing clippings. I haven't ever had a problem handling them. We're gonna use a cone and a sharp knife for severing the artery, then just an incision in the skin enough to get our fingers into to remove everything, skin and all. Really don't have the time and desire to go to all the trouble to pluck them even tho I prefer them skin on. Plenty of ways to cook them without it.
Because I do still enjoy eating meat, I really do feel responsible to do this ourselves. Not taking the easy way out in that respect. They'll go into the freezer for awhile after they're cleaned out, rinsed and soak in cold water for a bit so not sure how soon they'll get eaten. We try not to eat meat terribly often, mostly on the weekends.
Thanx for the support and advice. Appreciate it. I bet, with your background, you have lots of wonderful information to impart for all aspects of rural living. I used to be a city girl before moving down here and living in this rural area. And we try to do as much for ourselves as possible and will be doing more as we can.