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Reply #41: I can't eat chicken for 2 months after I butcher them. [View All]

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fasttense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-02-09 07:00 AM
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41. I can't eat chicken for 2 months after I butcher them.
It takes me awhile before I can look at chicken meat again. I would pay a slaughter house to do it but around here, they only slaughter larger animals.

But after 2 months, I have no problem eating chicken.

I have 6 rooster, 4 of which I will have to slaughter. We've done 6 already.

A responsible flock manger has to cull out the roosters. (and you usually can't give them away, I know, I've tried.) They can kill, injure and maim the hens and each other if there are too many of them. If you create the flock, you must be responsible for the smooth functioning of that flock, creating a good flock society requires removing too many roosters.

So, I'm glad to hear you are being a responsible flock manager.

Just one tip I learned the hard way. You probably know already, but if you don't read the internet info carefully you may miss it.

Wait at least 24 hours before freezing the whole carcass. You must wait until rigor has passed so the meat isn't stringy. The bigger the chicken, and roosters tend to be bigger, the longer it takes for rigor to pass. The rule of thumb I use is to keep the whole carcass in ice water for about 24 hours. If cutting it into meat, then you can probably reduce that time.

I was in such a hurry to ensure my chickens were fresh and sanitary, I froze them way too early. Now, I have 4 very stringy birds in my freezer. Oh well, live and learn.

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