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Reply #42: Congrats! [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Rural/Farm Donate to DU
bvar22 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-02-09 07:00 PM
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42. Congrats!
I am glad to see it was not very traumatic for you.
We have the same commitment, and when the time comes, we shall do the same.
It was reassuring to read your post.

We were hoping for some chicks this year, but it didn't happen.
Elvis was doing his part unless he's shooting blanks.

Elvis is as pugnacious as ever, and his spurs have grown into pretty awesome weapons.
He got Starkraven above the knee and drew blood last week.
I had always promised that the day he drew blood was the day he "goes in the pot", but Starkraven said it was her fault for not watching him close enough.

Elvis is very protective of the hens. We haven't lost any for over a year, and they Free Range everyday. Elvis stands guard, and places himself between the hens and any perceived threat, even us.
If we directly approach the flock while they are out grazing, Elvis will come between us and the hens in an aggressive posture, flapping his wing and crowing. The neighbor's dogs who killed the hen last year no longer come on our property, and now ignore the birds when they are out in the yard. Elvis has taught our cats not to mess with his hens. On the occasions when we have found large Black Snakes in the roost, Elvis is always between the snake and the hens, even in the dark.

So we figure that Elvis is doing a good job, though we are careful to keep an eye on him when they are out, or we are in the coop.
There is no way we would be able to live with more than one rooster, and when we get chicks, we WILL remove the roosters, and they will go to the best use available.
We will eat them.
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