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Reply #46: Oh, what a beautiful rooster. [View All]

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fasttense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-05-09 06:53 AM
Response to Reply #42
46. Oh, what a beautiful rooster.
I have made a point of making my roosters a little afraid of me. I don't like the idea of having to be afraid of them attacking me. As a kid my Mom had a really mean rooster who would leave scars and draw blood from anyone collecting eggs. I have 2 RIR who were very aggressive very young. So, I would chase them off and keep them off the hens while I was in their vicinity.

I have a huge Orpy who never seemed to bother me. He never even ruffled his feathers at me. He seemed very docile. Yesterday, he attacked, scaring me more then hurting me. I chased him and wouldn't let him back into the flock for a few minutes. I swear he sounded like he was growling.

Anyway today all the Roosters are keeping their distance. You never know when a chicken is going to test the pecking order.
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