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Reply #55: I hope it's
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Tue Sep-14-10 01:17 PM
Response to Reply #14 |
the mean one. Why do they attack the hens? Just male meanness from the testosterone? What if the rooster were deballed? Well, I guess he would be of no use then.
I grew up on a farm. The male cows were deballed so their meat wouldn't be tough. And they were nicer....the one bull we had was just as mean as could be. He had to have a separate stall that was mightily enforced.
I watched a woman tie a chicken to a clothesline and then cut the head off the chicken. She then untied the chicken and it ran around with its head cut off. It was absolutely horrifying to me. I turned white and nearly fainted. She just howled.
I learned about evil people early on in life.
Good luck. I couldn't do it. I'd pay someone else to do it. Or barter something.
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