Edited on Fri Sep-17-10 06:51 PM by FedUpWithIt All
We've dispatched only one, it was for illness. It was tougher for me than i hoped it would be. We decided that pithing was the most humane sounding as it caused instant brain death. It is supposed to be so quick and the bird is so unaware that it is happening that the feathers, according to some, simply rub off after death. This was not the case in our experience. It was b.a.d. Needless to say, we'll be using a different method if the need ever arises. I was sad that we were unable to eat her because it felt like a waste.
We've since agreed that we will decap followed quickly with a heavy rock for rapid brain death.
Edited because i find it difficult to do things like read the dates and whole thread with a toddler on my head. :crazy: I see that this is a long time ago so...:::sigh:::