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Reply #9: I suggest you hook up with a local permaculture group [View All]

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eilen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-11-11 11:03 AM
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9. I suggest you hook up with a local permaculture group
They can help you make decisions that are tailored to your particular climate and land features. Try St. Lawrence U, Paul Smith College, Tupper Lake.

I think there are some courses open in Ithaca and in the FingerLakes on permaculture design. You may want to learn about forest gardens. There is much you can do where you are, I don't believe you need to move. It is a matter of using what you have intelligently. You can likely use a woodburning stove to keep warm in the winter and replant areas with fruit and nut trees, berry thickets. Perhaps you can harvest Maple syrup.

You can also host outdoorsmen type events-- hiking, camping, orienteering, etc.

I live in upstate NY and the Adirondacks are a beautiful place and part of our rich history.
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