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Reply #12: Every person has their own vision of what that means to them personally. [View All]

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FedUpWithIt All Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Feb-11-11 11:51 AM
Response to Reply #11
12. Every person has their own vision of what that means to them personally.
Most of the resources given throughout the thread deal with all types of set ups. From Urban farming on 1/4 acre to smallholding and hobby farming, permaculture and even full out non-electric back in time and to the land types. Most of us have been sorting through these resources finding what works for our own individual circumstances. Go through some of the sources listed and you're sure to find some things that work for you.

I highly recommend the John Seymour books to anyone considering a move to greater independence even if it is on a minimal or casual scale. Very good book.

As to gardening, a hybrid of lasagna and square foot raised beds would work well on rocky soil if soil is composed carefully. There are fantastic books on both methods.

And don't forget to take a look at Backyard Chickens. It is a good mix of urban "pet" chicken owners, small farmers and those who keep a small flock for either eggs or meat. It is a diverse group and the information is very clear and helpful.

Best Wishes
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