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Reply #9: In MN there is no guarantee that the season is long enough to let [View All]

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jwirr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-09-11 12:01 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. In MN there is no guarantee that the season is long enough to let
plants mature. We have been growing tomatoes on our porches for years now - even bring them inside in the winter with a east window and have fresh tomatoes all year long. Grapes are a new thing for me but I understand that they grow in a greenhouse so why not my porch. I also like the idea of herbs inside. May even try other items. We also have outside gardens and two greenhouses plus orchards etc. Been trying to grow our own a long time - watched my father garden all his life - he would head into town and stop at the homes of every person he knew who was in need, giving the products away after my mother had canned her share.

Thanks to all who have answered - will keep a log to see what happens.
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