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Reply #1: Thanks for sharing your project. Until we can get a revival of the Real Democratic Party [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Rural/Farm Donate to DU
truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-11 12:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. Thanks for sharing your project. Until we can get a revival of the Real Democratic Party
Edited on Sat Jun-25-11 01:05 PM by truedelphi
And a return to the principals of the FDR Administration, (whose Administration was clearly out for the masses of the people, and not the Industrialists who funded his first 1932 Presidential camapign), this country's food stock is in danger of total obliteration. Currently we need to have a President who sees to it that Monsanto officials are at the back of the bus, and not driving it. With Obama being totally owned by Monsanto, we are screwed. At least in terms of what we buy at the grocery stores.

When Obama made important selections to agencies, giving Monsanto the go ahead, during the same time period that Michelle was posturing with her organic garden project, I knew we were being taken for a ride.
Again, thanks for sharing your project. I try to buy organic potatoes whenever possible, as the others just will not "fluff" properly when mashed.

The problem is, for millions upon millions of city residents,
many of whom are working three jobs just to survive, we need a national exposure of the situation. And we won't get that until we have ourselves a revival.

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