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Reply #14: #1 !.. She is adorable. [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Rural/Farm Donate to DU
bvar22 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-25-11 03:05 PM
Response to Original message
14. #1 !.. She is adorable.
We added Potatoes to our Grow Our Own Menu this year.
We planted Yukon Golds seed potatoes March 1st,
and a couple of weeks later, added some Red Potatoes that had sprouted under the sink.

Both grew like crazy, and we dutifully added layers of a mixture of hay, aged compost, and garden soil.
About 2 weeks ago, they turned yellow, wilted, and died.
We figured it was from some form of wilt or blight.
We decided to Solarize the soil we were using for the potatoes,
and as we were digging it out, discovered lots of potatoes.
We had planted 3 Red Potatoes cut into several sections,
and harvested over 10 pounds.
They were much better than anything available in the stores.
We checked the Yukon Gold bed, and, Yep, lots of potatoes.
We haven't yet dug out that bed.

Next year, we are going to dedicate more space to several different varieties of Potatoes.

My wife & I are very concerned about the contamination and corruption of the American Factory Food
Production, Handling, Transportation, & Distribution system.
In 2006,we moved to The Woods (Ouachita Mtns, Arkansas),
FAR from Urban/Suburban/Industrial/Commercial Ag toxins,
and began producing as much of our own food as possible.
Chem fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and GM crops are forever BANNED from our little hilltop.

We also Keep HoneyBees and Free Range Chickens.
So far, so good!

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