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Reply #4: "Pigs are very bouncy" ? WTH? [View All]

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liberalla Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-29-11 09:13 AM
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4. "Pigs are very bouncy" ? WTH?
This was filmed at Iowa Select Farms, north of Des Moines.

Kroger and Costco both carry their products.

I knew it would be hard to watch. I don't understand why they kill the baby piglets? (they swing them by their back feet and slam their heads on the concrete floors to crush their skulls.) What's the point? Aren't they raising pigs to slaughter and sell? What cuts of meat come from dead baby pigs? And why is it "ok" or acceptable practice to slice/yank the tails off the babies, while they're alive and conscious? What do they use the tails for?

It all seems so cruel and unnecessary to me. I don't get it at all. I'm stunned.

Kroger has already responded saying they will no longer accept meat from Iowa Select Farms until they see results from a full investigation.

I'm calling Costco today and frequently thereafter regarding the pork products from this horrific Iowa factory "farm"...
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