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Reply #3: Funny you should ask... [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Rural/Farm Donate to DU
AnneD Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Aug-03-11 03:24 AM
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3. Funny you should ask...
Edited on Wed Aug-03-11 03:28 AM by AnneD
My dog started choking on his food yesterday. When I noticed him, he was falling to the ground and had peed himself. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck, placed my thumb and finger on opposite sides of his throat and did a deep rub, top to bottom...mimicking normal peristalsis of the muscles of the throat. It worked.

I am a CPR instructor and Nurse, and while I have given mouth to mouth to a dog before, this was my first attempt at HM. From what I know about chicken anatomy and behavior I recommend trying this. If they have their mouth open, they must have a complete airway block....they couldn't take water if they wanted to. I would grab them by the feet (I don't think they can fight you at this point), turn them upside down and hug them. Remember, you have adrenaline going so give a light hug at first to get a feel. I would try hugging a couple of inches behind the wings, below the ribs. That might create enough negative pressure to pop the object out. By holding them upside down, gravity will help you...just like back blows to an infant.

But remember, just like CPR on a human, you may not be successful. Don't beat yourself up about it if you are not successful. You tried to help, and that is what is important. You kept your head and tried to save them. :grouphug:

When you farm, you know you are raising food-the thing is to give them a happy life and respect and honor their sacrifice. I have always held the belief that it more folks were farmers, we would eat less meat.
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