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Today I have to deal with one of the boarders here. He's such a disaster. [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Rural/Farm Donate to DU
EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-29-11 12:24 PM
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Today I have to deal with one of the boarders here. He's such a disaster.
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Edited on Fri Jul-29-11 12:24 PM by EFerrari
He was the one that got his horse killed by oncoming traffic last year. I didn't know it was him at the time. Since then, he's also the idiot who put all those kids in the ATV. He's left broken water pipes flowing without notifying anyone. Last night, my helper found downed, live power lines in his area. His horses knocked the housing down and he just removed it and left the lines down. It's a miracle no one got shocked. He could have set his whole area on fire and this IDIOT has it locked down, so in a fire, I'd have to take an axe to his gate to free his animals.

This list goes on and on. He doesn't get along with anyone. I found fighting cocks hidden 'way back behind his stable. He sneaks people into the ranch the back way and they get drunk and blast their music.

I could cheerfully wring his neck but I'd need a third hand to do it.

He seems to be a practicing alcoholic and I've no idea what to say to him. If I told him to leave today, I'd be right. But that isn't fair to the animals. So, I have to give him one more chance and tell him exactly what will happen when he gets notice to leave (because of course he will screw up again) so he can plan what to do with them.

I think I have to tell him that next time, he will have two weeks to get his animals relocated and that he will be banned from here, and will have to find someone to care for them while he makes arrangements. He's capable of malice and violence on top of stupidity and drunkenness and I don't trust him.

Mom has been trying to surf his horrible behavior because I think she's a little afraid of him, and she's probably right. But this asshole is going to get someone killed if someone doesn't intervene so I guess that means me.

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