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I'm considering asking Santa for an Aussie stock saddle, anyone have any experience or advice?
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beam me up scottie
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Fri Dec-02-11 08:02 PM
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I'm considering asking Santa for an Aussie stock saddle, anyone have any experience or advice? |
* I have a 3yr old filly who's supposed to be a Warmblood but spooks worse than a 2 yr old TB going into a starting gate. She literally went nuclear when a stealth rock tried to attack her a few weeks ago. :eyes:
* I grew up riding English but I've been tossed at least a dozen times when she's bolted and I don't bounce off the ground as well as I used to.
* A western saddle wouldn't do (she's got a short wide back w/narrow shoulders and the typical high withers), and I prefer riding the horse instead of the saddle.
I don't plan on showing or eventing and the Aussie seems like the perfect hybrid for trail riding.
The Australian Outrider and Kimberly stock saddles get mixed reviews but they are affordable and I can always upgrade later.
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