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Reply #6: More good advice, she definitely needs more than a mild snaffle. [View All]

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beam me up scottie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-03-11 12:15 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. More good advice, she definitely needs more than a mild snaffle.
The reason I was thinking of going Aussie is because I prefer close contact as well. (I love riding bareback but not on this girl, not yet anyway).
My lower back gets sore when I ride western, I tend to slouch and I was hoping these hybrids would let me ride upright.

I hope to order from">Downunder Saddle Supply, their reputation is stellar and their return policy is more than fair.

Some look like modified english saddles:

and others like neutered westerns:

Bf can't get over the ugliness factor, but if it helps me keep my seat I could care less what it looks like.

Our local tack shop is owned by the Amish and they specialize in fitting both horse and rider, they let you try out their used saddles before you buy, if they have both styles I will give them each a trial run.
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