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Reply #19: I have found we can't keep up with demand. [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Rural/Farm Donate to DU
fasttense Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-29-11 06:15 AM
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19. I have found we can't keep up with demand.
At first, we had a problem selling our produce before it went to seed or rotted in storage but once we hooked up into the farmer's market, it opened up a lot of other markets for us. If we grow it, we can sell it now. We have a hard time keeping up with demand. But you have to be careful. There are distributors and wholesalers who will cheat you out of your meager profits so we don't sell to big distributors. But there are so many better paying smaller, willing distributors, you don't need Wal-Mart to make a good living.

We are Certified Naturally Grown and as petroleum based product costs increase, our costs remain relatively stable. We have chickens and other animals to produce fertilizer for us. Because of a stink bug infestation, we recently up-graded our bug control methods, we bought ducks.

True the droughts have become regular and more severe but we have adopted with changes in what and how we plant. Luckily we have never run out of water.
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