those thst are, if they are still farming *conventionally*, with tons of pesticides and mono-cropping, most likely are in hock right up to their ass or higher, because as oil prices rise then so too does the price of the petro based fertilizers they need to replace the nutrients they've poisoned out of their soil and the pesticdes they need to control the weeds and and bugs and disease they've left themselves vulnerable to by throwing everything everything out of balance with the use, over use and abuse of petrochemicals.
but my heart goes out to these people. they were doing what they were told to do, they were doing what was supposedly the best thing for them and their farm and the country, when in fact it was only the best thing for agricorps and banks. what pisses me off is that it was all subsidised and promoted by the government and our taxes, when we knew 30 years ago at least that it was not sustainable, that poisoning the soil, the water, the air and the crops you're growing just doesn't make sense, and it can't last. and we are just beginning to reap what we have sown