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Reply #15: yeah, we're blessed here in oregon, especially the NW corner -
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Sat Jul-08-06 08:30 PM
Response to Reply #9 |
15. yeah, we're blessed here in oregon, especially the NW corner - |
the eat local/eat organic movement has really taken hold there and to a lessed extent down in eugene/springfield where i'm at. there are even some burger joints that use local pastured beef. and the number of family producers, a majority of whom are organic or bio-intensive has actually increased in the last couple of decades. the CSA movement is pretty popular here as well, though it's still miniscule compared to overall scheme of things. and the local city council is trying to lure whole foods to downtrown by building them a muli-million dollar parking garage, even though our weekly farmer's market could easily go daily and year round if we had a covered space with electricity available so we could sell local dairy and meats and have some secur space for permanent stalls instead of setting up and tearing down stalls in the park 3 and 4 times a week.
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