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Reply #7: It was announced weeks ago that, if Clinton ran, he would be her campaign chair. [View All]

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Mass Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 08:52 AM
Response to Reply #2
7. It was announced weeks ago that, if Clinton ran, he would be her campaign chair.
Edited on Sun Jan-21-07 08:53 AM by Mass
This is why even the Herald Today calls the book for what it is:

Former Democratic Party boss Terry McAuliffe shamelessly admits his scrappy new memoir is meant mainly to be self-serving. When his book, “What a Party! My Life Among Democrats - Presidents, Candidates, Donors, Activists, and other Wild Animals” (Thomas Dunne Books, $24.95), isn’t serving McAuliffe’s interests, it’s genuflecting at the altar of his close friends and patrons, former President Bill and presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton.
With Hillary’s announcement yesterday that she’s “in it to win,” it’s probably no coincidence that McAuliffe’s memoir, which hits bookstores Tuesday, blasts one of her potential 2008 rivals, Sen. John Kerry. Indeed, McAuliffe goes out of his way to lambaste Kerry’s failed 2004 presidential bid, calling it “one of the biggest acts of political malpractice in the history of American politics.”
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