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Reply #14: They never really were JK people [View All]

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MarjorieG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-21-07 11:57 AM
Response to Reply #3
14. They never really were JK people
That's the problem. Never having run a national campaign, and having to trust people who will be running themselves next time. Kerry should have been able to trust a former president. The people around Hillary have their corporate hooks into DC, and the bad-mouthing started early, not that mistakes weren't made.

Some of it was McAuliffe not having done his job for years, beyond fund-raising. Regardless of loyalties.

I agree that lack of media, time to bond, even learn about the facts, was what lost it for us, and for a race that DC beltway felt we couldn't win. Part not wanting to help with a losing proposition, as well as waiting for 2008. We remember the lackluster, and inadequate support among the electeds.

As I said on another thread, I don't believe people went to the polls understanding why they needed change, or what they were losing in not having Kerry. That is media saying Bush is better for their business and consolidation.
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