Perhaps it is disillusionment or some realization that has set in. Possibly, it could be no longer having to defend the senator may also be a consideration. I had to step away for a while to realize that the Kerry of 2003/2004 is long gone. I think he saw us as useful for a while and a means to stay connected to the people when he thought he might run again for the presidency. But, the roots never offered him very much and most of the time we did nothing ( or I did nothing ), but battle with idiots and closed minds. A hugh waste of time, really. Senator Kerry is and will remain the Senator from Massachusetts. I so wanted to see him as SOS, but I suspect underlying factors of one sort or another prevented this from happening. He seems happy though and he appears to have an ambitious local agenda- that doesn't concern me- a national one that does. As Chairman of the SFRC, I can see he wants to do all he can to change our image around the world. He also wants to be part of a new beginning a fresh start on diplomacy,security, peace and human rights. I suspect the senator's one great cause is foreign policy and all the other matters that coalesce around it. I will continue to support him on these endeavors. As for the matter of hegefunds, I am not pleased either, he has flipped- flopped on this issue and not for the better. I have however always thought his real views on money matters swayed to the conservative end. Except with taxpayer money though, that he seems to have no problem spending. I have to say I have raised an eyebrow or two at some of the costly things he has been pushing for. "Strike while the iron is hot I suppose." Anyway, what I have come to believe is that while Senator Kerry is still important to me, the ideals I believe in and the causes I want to continue defending mean more. I will support both the Senator and President Obama because I think ultimately, they both mean to do good things for this country. Things do not get accomplished if there appears to be no support for them and I will contact them when I think they are missing the point on an issue. I will have my say and if others agree, perhaps we can look forward to some real changes. However, my well being and that of my family is more important to me than both of these men. I have finally been able to put all the emotion, anger and sadness into perspective and I know what my priorities are now.
I don't want to see you leave your input and perspective here adds much to the forum. IMO, we need diversified opinions. Perhaps, a little breather would help.