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Time article - "one Wiki winner: John Kerry?" [View All]

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karynnj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-10 11:59 AM
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Time article - "one Wiki winner: John Kerry?"
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Nice article, other than the typical SOS speculation. (The last paragraph is essentially a fair concern - though I think Kerry's Afghanistan hearings have been far stronger than this implies. I guess Kerry would need to sound like Grayson, before they realize that he is asking the tough questions and has had his independent opinion since the Clinton confirmation hearing.) It also ignores, that given what Kerry has done as a diplomat as Senator, he might prefer his independence and the chances for diplomacy he has.

I disagree with the comment that he was too optimistic about Syria. In all his public comments he was always very cautious and he has taken Syria to task for what it was doing in Lebanon. The difference was that he thought it worthwhile to try and saw a case where it could be in their interest. There was no naivety there - rather an attempt to find a way to make it in their vested interest to stop destructive behavior.

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