Edited on Mon Jul-11-11 03:56 PM by ObamaKerryDem
While he has long been an advocate for equality in other ways (being one of the relative few to go against DOMA in 1996, for a strong example), I have always wished/hoped to hear something more pronounced like this from JK on this issue (one of the very few areas he has ever even come close to dissapointing me in politically, though I am comparing this more to his stances or perceived stances in 2004-though we would be remiss to forget how much harsher the political climate was on these issues then as compared to now). Of course I cannot speak for JK, but I have always gotten the impression that he was holding back a bit on this issue, his pre-2004 voting record (again, the DOMA example, among others) especially gives me that impression. I get the same vibes from the President, though I'd have to agree with you, karynnj, that JK's own "evolution" on the topic is a bit easier to understand at least on the surface (the generational factor, which is, in many cases, a valid point..not to mention religion, etc). I get the impression, though, that President Obama is putting his proverbial toe in the water at the moment when it comes to this (his speech at that fundraiser a couple weeks ago, in which he termed his stance as "evolving" was telling), though I do wish that he would come out and say it. The tide of history is and would be on his side if he did so and I don't think he'd lose too many Independants by taking the stand (most who would not vote for him over a Pro-Equality stance would probably not be inclined to vote for him in the first place).
But JK has done so much for equality apart from marriage before this (though I realize that it's a big "apart"). I think he felt/was told he had to hold back more in 2004 especially because let's face it...the GOP/Bush/..ROVE camp played that card and played it to great effect at least with a certain element of voters (though it's arguable that such voters would've even considered voting Kerry in the first place, but that's another discussion). Glad he's now made it "official" and has done so, so very eloquently and at the same time, is providing the President a persuasive (I think anyway) little nudge in the process. :)
I too don't get the incredulous rebuke this is getting from some fellow Pro-Equality folks (though I can understand the overall frustration when it comes to this issue). I think the overall editorial speaks louder than the title, which is where many of them may have stopped reading unfortunately (such seemed to be the case with this on Twitter..ugh such short attention spans/knee jerk reactions!). But I think it's a great editorial from JK and should be shared as much as possible!