ESPECIALLY on the environment stuff. On rhe one hand, I've always known that environmental issues were not Obama's "thing". So, in a sense, I'm not completely surprised. But, on the other hand, I'm profoundly disappointed and discouraged by his latest environmental decisions.
But several writers lately have pointed out what the difficulty of the fight we are fighting, and the necessity to fight them: The right has really become a monster. My main misjudgment was to believe that Obama's election represented an end, or at least the beginning of the end, of their power. Instead, they've become louder and more dangerous than ever. Like both of the authors, I'm totally sick of the standard "it's both parties' fault" routine. No, this is the REPUBLICANS' fault. Yeah, I want Dems (and especially Obama) to stand up more, but the mess was created by the Republicans.
Eugene Robinson on Bush, Cheney, and what Obama had to face when he came into office. .and what he still has to face: the above column came from someone who shares your (our) pain
Here's his column on the EPA issues (yeah, he agrees that this was a bad public policy decision) also wants Obama to be bold on jobs he shares our general frustration: .the title says it all (via our own blm) "Reflections of a GOP operative who left the cult". One quote: "the left fears, the right hates".
Yup, count me among the fearful. These people give me the willies. take a break, Mass, clear your head, but please come back. Funny, I was just thinking this weekend how often I find myself agreeing with every word you write! We need you! (and even more so, so do our fellow Dems, especially in MA!)