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Reply #5: Not really [View All]

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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-11-10 01:45 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Not really
They preceded her. Texas has always been known for fields of bluebonnets. But her wildflower center in Austin is pretty interesting. They are huge promoters of using native landscaping, and their whole landscape is based on that. They don't believe in watering plants. So, if you are in a dry part of the country, don't plant grass that has to be watered and/or sprayed. I have to say that when I went there it hadn't rained in awhile and the plants were a bit straggly.

But I wish that trend would catch on. How much fun to show my grandson patches of clover in our yard rather than telling him he can't touch the recently sprayed lawn of a neighbor. Grrr, pet peeve of mine, though they might object to my yard as well.
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