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Reply #6: Wedding???? [View All]

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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-11 06:34 PM
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6. Wedding????
Great photo!! I love that spread. We have something in common--family wedding over the holidays. We just spent over a week in redneck Riviera, where my middle daughter got married in a rented beach house New Year's eve. She refused an event planner, a florist, and a photographer (eke!), just had a caterer-- so I don't have any photos like yours, because they just don't exist. But here is a photo, complete with bird. And who do we have to thank for this arch???? Our landlord, who looked at my pitiful attempt with pvc pipe that was too short, and about to fall down, and rounded up bamboo that people had left behind. After he met my son in law, who is six feet four, he rounded up TALLER bamboo, a post hole digger, and put this in the ground. When the bird landed, I snapped a picture.

Oh, a monsoon started just a few hours after this (mostly) outdoor event occurred. I need to defrag from this extended beach party in mostly moderately high wind, complete with sparks flying from a bonfire. I missed taking any pics from that because my camera was lost in the sand. Later another son in law found it, thankfully.

Happy New Year everyone!!

At this point I could care less about the theme this month, unless someone wants to suggest beach weddings in mid winter!
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