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Reply #44: Oh GIRL! I admire yours a lot - a whole lot - and wonder just how you did that,
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Fri Jan-07-11 09:20 PM
Response to Reply #39 |
44. Oh GIRL! I admire yours a lot - a whole lot - and wonder just how you did that, |
gorgeous colors, and perfect pos and neg space.
Mine: It's Lucas. A dog whose owners in Marathon in the Keys take him there every evening at sunset, and he stands in the water motionless like that. ONCE he caught a fish. Once.
Honestly, I had posted it to hold the space. I figured nobody but me would love that picture as much as I do. I was going to go through maybe 7 more that were still left over to chose from. I just LOVE water and I swim several times a week after work.
Now I think Lucas stays. You convinced me. Maybe I post the others when the slots are filled.
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