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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Arts & Entertainment » Photography Group Donate to DU
Elfin Yeti Donating Member (623 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-09-11 01:52 AM
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Over Christmas we participated in an annual toy drive orchestrated by a pastor in a poor, mostly rural area,Perris, CA. This church collects toys and bikes, feeds the families, does face painting, and creates a joyous atmosphere. It was rainy most of the day. I offered to take pictures for the pastor and was aware while I was shooting that I wasn't getting the kinds of photos I'd expected, i.e., happy kids receiving toys. When I was editing the photos it was even more evident -- the sadness in the eyes of these kids (and their parents), the hollowness, is heartbreaking to me. They have a certain beauty but a fatigued look, a look far beyond their years. Do you see it too?

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