what gorgeous photo. I would also like to know where it was taken if people don't mind. Course it is all voluntary though it would be nice it you post your photo here too. Even better, any almost went with instead photos since we did not have any "help me pick my entry" threads. I think those threads are what I miss most in doing the blind submissions.
So this one was mine.....

I couldn't think of a title and found the Sioux phrase for Badlands
here. I have to find the photos, then scan some since they were taken with a film camera.
This was my runner up but since the theme was geology felt the other one showed more of it. Plus it had the different color layers showing in it.

If you ever get the chance to go to Badlands National Park, go. Take lots of storage and spend a week or so because every minute is different. I would love to go for a couple weeks one day.