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Reply #7: Nice pictures but Parrots make me sad....
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Little Star
(1000+ posts)
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Fri Aug-19-11 08:43 AM
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7. Nice pictures but Parrots make me sad.... |
When I was about 4/5 years old I was visiting my aunt and uncle, they had no children. My uncle was a long haul truck driver and gone for weeks at a time.
He had a pet parrot named Percy who could talk. Man, he loved that parrot! Percy was allowed out once or twice a day in the closed up house to fly around.
Well, I bet you can guess the end of the story.
I opened the door.
Percy flew away.
This is not one of my better childhood memories. I can still feel the fear and the sadness. Because Percy didn't know how to live outside on his own.
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