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alone in 7,000 acres of forest [View All]

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handmade34 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-27-11 09:40 AM
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alone in 7,000 acres of forest
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...except for the wildlife scurrying under the brush, the squirrels following me and the birds scolding me

I am working in Corvallis, Oregon and have found wonderful places to hike. I have been out at the OSU McDonald Forest the past few days.

I have been working some in the Willamette National Forest but not had time to hike there. The McDonald Forest is close to my hotel and easy to get to in the early morning. The hike transverses wetland, old-growth, grasslands, oakwood, evergreen woods, etc...

Stated goals of the forest management:
"Learning, Discovery, Engagement -- Provide diverse opportunities for learning, discovery, and dissemination of new knowledge and technologies related to forest ecosystems, forest management, and forest products/services for forest managers/owners, scientists, teachers, students and the general public." The McDonald-Dunn Forest covers about 11,250 acres of forest and meadow on the western edge of the Willamette Valley and on the eastern foothills of the Coast Range. It lies within a transition area between the Oregon Coast Range and the Willamette Valley...”

The Willamette Valley where the white man "convinced" the native people to pack up and move beyond the mountains to the east (Manifest Destiny at its best :()... this valley is beautiful, agriculturally very productive and a joy to behold.

the sun just starting to shine through the trees

early sun

passed the "cap house" on the way up... Oh we need the CCC again!

at the top

self portrait

back in the thick of it on the way down

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