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Something a bit different - I was invited to UNCSchool of the Arts - Visual Arts Dept. today [View All]

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Mira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-28-11 08:32 PM
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Something a bit different - I was invited to UNCSchool of the Arts - Visual Arts Dept. today
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The School is 3 blocks from my house.

There is a group of dancers, Pilobolus, Wikipedia says:

Pilobolus performances are characterized by a strong element of physical interaction between the bodies of the performers and exaggerations or contortions of the human form (or other anthropomorphic forms), often verging on gymnastics.
visuals of Pilobolus are here:

The Teacher of the Visual Arts Department (drawing, sculpture, design) gave the students the job to do a set of Pilobolus style images, and to create the backdrops, the lighting, and bring to it the creative ideas. These students are NOT dancers.

I was invited, because the teacher is my friend.

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