You will probably learn a lot in the photography course. I just wanted to welcome you!
Like Blue, I didn't really start photography as a hobby until the digital age. I do have a fair number of family photos, though, from the past. My dad, too was interested in photography and made us all sit through family slideshows. To me a picture actually *is* worth a thousand words. I'm just a visual person. What really started me, though is my husband likes to go to the Tennessee River to fish. I don't like to fish so I needed a hobby. I actually tried sketching first, LOL. I can sketch fine but found it incredibly boring.
Anyway, like you I like photographing nature. It turns out I think it is fun to chase after birds. I'm not much of a bird watcher but birds move around a lot and I just like to try to outsmart them. And I like the eye hand coordination part of it because one has to be quick and have a steady hand if the birds are moving around. As it turns out I got a great photo of an eagle recently but it was at a raptor show so that didn't excite me at all. So for me it isn't the photograph as much as the process. I kind of like fooling around with photo editing software, though I really don't know a lot yet.
Even though I like landscapes (and I love Sedona!) my favorite shots are of things in motion. Here is a recent photo of...MY GRANDSON!
He is often in motion so he is a good subject. This will go in my husband's office.
I have a point and shoot but it is an advanced one. A DSLR doesn't really fit with the type of photography I prefer doing, which is the walking around kind of photography. My camera is a Lumix that has a 24x zoom lens, pretty decent for birds.
Hmmm. An old photo? Just think baby pictures, halfway decent landscapes, nothing spectacular that I feel like uploading to Photobucket. Actually I entered a very old photo of mine in a contest here recently. Let me see if I can find it. Okay this is my entry for the Geology contest. It is actually my only Geology photo in my digital archive, so that is why I had to enter it. This was probably taken the first month I got bought a digital camera about five years ago.