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Reply #5: You have some nice shots already, but could use some tiny things [View All]

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Arts & Entertainment » Photography Group Donate to DU
Alameda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-19-11 11:25 PM
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5. You have some nice shots already, but could use some tiny things
Edited on Mon Sep-19-11 11:28 PM by Alameda
in things like lighting. I'm not a professional photographer, but I have many friends who are, and one of my friends who was a head of a photography department liked my work. Slowly I've been getting deeper and deeper in it, so now I go out every day and take photographs. I am becoming obsessed with it as an art form.

My training is in fine art painting and printmaking, close, but not the same. When you paint you can futz with the light, remember it and put it in. In photography, I've realized you have to work with what you have. Things like light are vitally important. The same subject will look very different depending on the light. You can either use studio light, or existing light. I prefer the available light for most the things. I'm still working on it.

I'm doing more photojournalism type photography, documenting what I see. It helps me see more, and I love to share what I see. You beauty is more beautiful if it's shared.

As for cameras, the one you will have with you is the best. In that vein, I got a simple a little Casio EX-S10. I also sometimes use a Casio EX S600. I had a fancy SLR years ago and found it was so cumbersome I never used it. I like the little discreet camera that I keep with me ALL the time, one never knows when an interesting subject will appear.

Here is a link to some of my photographs...

add a few things
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