1. Since you're starting from scratch you probably want to stick to the two big manufactures of DSLR's Nikon or Canon because of their wide variety if glass and accessories available and third party support.
This actually brings us to question 4, how much should you invest, well more than if you took up knitting and significantly less than yachting. Honestly, get the best glass you can afford and if you are able to try out the glass before hand, so much the better.
There are a couple of ways to do this, go to a rental site and try the lens out for a couple of days but an even cheaper way is to find a photography club and go out on shoots with them, you'll find that if you are interested in a particular lens that a member owns they will generally let you try it out so you can get a feel for it. In the rare case you made a purchase faux pas then eBay is our friend.
Speaking of finding a photography club, run, don't walk to find one. They usually have members that run the gamut of skill levels, they have years of practical experience to offer and are pretty supportive of beginners. Also go to meetup.com and look for local photo shoots.