I remembered there was a thread with the initial announcement about the calendar earlier in the year. I knew that the thread wouldn't be in the archive yet, as the posts in the Photography thread don't accumulate as quickly as some other groups. So, instead of using the site's search function, I started going back through the 20 pages of threads. I skipped the first few, as I knew the post was from months ago. After each page loaded, I used the text search of the browser (ctrl-f on most browsers) and searched for "calendar". Using this to search would pick up the word if it appeared in the thread title. I found the second one first but knew it wasn't the initial calendar post. I kept going back through the pages until I found the initial post.
Of course, this will only work if the post isn't archived and if you have at least one keyword you can search for in the thread title.
Hope this is clear.