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Some Macro at McConnell Springs [View All]

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Arts & Entertainment » Photography Group Donate to DU
alfredo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-26-11 11:26 AM
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Some Macro at McConnell Springs
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Used an Olympus EPL-1 with an Industar 50-2 f3.5 lens and extension tubes. You can pick up these lenses cheap. Sellers in the Ukraine and Russia have a near unlimited supply of these lenses. The down side is shipping (appox $15) and nearly a month wait to receive your lens. Don't buy from a domestic seller because the chance of it being a reject is higher. Do get the lens hood, or fashion one yourself. The hood makes adjusting aperture much easier. I had to shim my hood to get a snug fit. You can get the lens in m42 thread, or m39. I have the M42 thread. Adaptors are cheap and plentiful.

not macro

This is the lens I mentioned up top.
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