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Reply #1: love them [View All]

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Celebration Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-29-11 06:23 PM
Response to Original message
1. love them
I like the first one because it made me laugh. The bird is trying to turn the water on! Hilarious. The second to last one made me laugh too but it also made me want to swat it, or twitch, or something, LOL. Then I just love the bobcat's expression and have never had an encounter with one so close.

The penguin and eagle are fine but don't really excite me. I would like the last one better if I could see the feet. The bunting is just plain gorgeous. The woodpecker is technically great but a bit scary looking(?)

Very close, but I would vote for number one first, the bobcat second, and the bunting third. Ask me on a different day and I might decide differently. It's especially close between the bunting and the bobcat.
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