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December contest, and DU3 - musings from the hostess [View All]

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Mira Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-11-11 12:08 AM
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December contest, and DU3 - musings from the hostess
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It may be that all will be well in the switchover, but probably not.
There is no polling capability yet in DU3, which logic says will prevent a normal progression of the December contest.

I am capturing the entries/names/locations of the entries as they come in. They will be waiting and ready when we can resume our contests.

So, keep entering and I will hold them in safe keeping until we can run the contest.
I have asked the administrators about it, but I think they are too busy right now to worry about it.

I'm not the best person to be caught in a switchover of this sort, since my computer savvy, just like my camera savvy, is very limited.
But I will safe guard what has been and will be submitted, and I'm not going anywhere.

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