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Reply #4: "Angel in the Whirlwind." [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 09:52 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. "Angel in the Whirlwind."

Though we allow that the president might have been unaware of parts of his abstruse actions because he was not the author of his speeches in the conventional sense and members of his staff with input from unnamed guides crafted most of these words, Bush nevertheless delivered these speeches after reviewing them, contemplating them, practicing them and making personal margin notes. More importantly, "he spoke in his official capacity as head of state, representing the state and beyond that the nation," notes Lincoln. So whether Bush was aware of his actions or was puppeted by dominionist allegiances that he and his father had nurtured (or at a deeper level spoke for fraternal societies), occultists in and behind government knew exactly what they were doing. Their choice of words and actions—from the president’s speeches to the council he received from members of an elite, top secret cell of spiritual authorities in Washington (whom I will leave unnamed for the time being)—reveal subtle but informing truths: words were placed in the president’s mouth to be spoken in mystic harmony of a sacred craft, an otherworldly discourse, which the men behind the president, the ‘voices behind the voice,’ believed would launch the ‘Kingdom of God on Earth’ with Washington as its seat if these words were uttered at the right moment in history and from ‘chosen men of God.’

Even later, when some in the public were taking courage that the midterms backlash of November 2006 had sufficiently restrained the administration’s dreams of playing a vital role in Armageddon, behind the scenes in Washington DC this influential group of powerful men retained faith in their paranormal forces. Setting their eyes on 2008 and beyond, they were not for the moment concerned if congress or even the executive branch changed hands now and again. They had received what they wanted—official invitation to supernaturalism by the nation’s leaders and, for sufficient time, conformity by the majority of uninitiated Americans. An Angel from the Whirlwind spread its powerful wings, and a new epoch in American history was ushered in; a time when the government of the U.S. was intentionally brought under influence to dark angelic power.

This is not a daring statement. The connection between the president’s speeches, possible signals to ‘the family’ of spiritual advisors, his administration’s subsequent actions, coalescence of congress and for a while the majority of Americans, set the rules for cosmic game play in action as defined by the sacred texts of all major religions, including the Bible. Invitation to angels by elected officials combined with passive civilian conformity is key, as we shall see later, to opening doorways for supernatural agents to engage social governance. This is a tenant of demonology. Spirits go where they are invited, whether to possess an individual or to take dominion over a region.

Thus parts of my synopsis require knowledge of the supernatural and belief in prophecy. I contend that between the years 2001-2006 the nation became so disposed in following and not challenging unprecedented changes to longstanding U.S. policies including the Christian rules for just war, that the powerful force known to the Illuminati as the "Moriah Conquering Wind," a.k.a. "the Angel in the Whirlwind" accepted the administration’s invitation and enthroned itself in the nation’s capital. Immediately after, it cast it’s eyes on the ancient home of the Bab-Ili where the coveted ‘Gate of the Illi’ had opened once before. Why was George W. Bush hell-bent on taking the U.S. into Iraq/Babylon, the home of the ‘Etemenenanki’ (House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth, the ‘Tower of Babel’) even though Iraq was not connected to 9/11? It is argued that he went there for oil or strategic placement of a military base for what some in the war college see as the inevitable Armageddon between the U.S., Iran, Israel, Russia, China and other nations. But according to the British press (7), Bush let his real reasons slip out during a meeting with Palestinian leaders in June 2003 when he admitted that he had committed the United States to enter Babylon because, "God told me to invade Iraq."
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