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Reply #3: Thank you for passing this along. These little incidents often get... [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
Poll_Blind Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-01-07 07:17 PM
Response to Original message
3. Thank you for passing this along. These little incidents often get...
...swept under the rug after a generation or two and unless you're reading a book on the subject already, you're not going to hear about it. Not on American television, anyway. I could see the CBC or BBC doing a piece on this sort of thing, a retrospective but asking questions like "Are we safer today?" or some such.

  It's really heinous that people will do in the name of a corporation, especially one they hold stake in. It removes some of the "conscience" factor. People rationalize that it's not them doing it, they're just a small part of "the company". Of course that might hold true for a liver or heart in a human but a person is an individual, capable of autonomous thought- not just when it suits them.

  It could be just general paranoia, but I think things like this are fairly common. I really can't explain why I think this except I have known and seen enough things in life to believe, based on my experiences, that people without a conscience are capable of amazingly selfish acts. And some of the worst things that a person can do only require a little physical effort, a little concentration to accomplish.

  It concerns me what otherwise good people will do when their self-interest is at stake, and how easily it can happen. Like the guys who played "doctor" in the article you posted. I'm sure they probably loved their kids, were good husbands, helped the stranded motorist on the deserted road- the works. And yet...with their self-interest at heart they made terrible choices. Of course they could have been bastards, and obvious about it. But from my experience, there aren't as many of those to spot as you might think.


  I'm not sure how you would do that, but I'm sure given enough accountants and lawyers anything's possible.

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